Multisided platforms are hip, no question ❗️

But what are (B2B)- Multisided platforms❓

An MSP is a service, technology, or product that enables two or more groups of customers or participants to interact directly. Examples of successful MSPs are #PayPal, #eBay, #Alibaba and #Facebook. Apple's iOS is also an MSP because it connects application developers and users. And at first glance, such platforms all work according to the same principle:

They are a marketplace where #suppliers of products and services meet with #prospects.

B2B multisided platforms like ☁️ need network participants who can benefit from it for your needs. This requires that a #value exchange can take place between the network participants.

Today, has a network of more than 100 quality-tested carriers in Switzerland. The demand for small, heavy and special transports arises from the registered shipper customers such as construction companies, dealers and rental companies of construction machinery.

Access to the platform is free for all companies. transpora charges a fee according to the #payperuse principle

for every successfully completed transaction (mediated transport). Nowadays it is common for many companies to be active on #platforms and to offer their services there. This gives you the advantage that your services have a wide reach and many customers can use them without having to set up their own digital infrastructure.

#b2b #transportation #platform

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